Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fluid Pills and Oreos

I have now officially completed Week One Day Two of Couch to 5K. It was easier than Day One, so maybe that means I can actually build up to running a 5K without dying first.

In other news, I am now the proud owner of a 6 month prescription of fluid pills. I saw my doc for my blood pressure and she said that is usually the first step in treating hypertension, which, of course, had me googling "How does a water pill work?" within in the hour. For those of your who might be curious, diuretics lower your blood pressure by getting rid of excess salt and water in the body. Cool. Now I pee all day, but my blood pressure is getting better. Also, I have lost 4 pounds since starting them.

Even though I am exercising, my diet still has plenty of room for improvement. I don't know if it's the PMS or what, but last night I would have given my right arm for a package of Oreos. Oh well -  you can't win em all.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Week One Day One

Not the most original blog title, I know, but a surprisingly proud one. I FREAKING DID IT! I completed week one day one of Couch to 5K without quitting or passing out.

Yay me.

Good thing I didn't check the weather before I went out or I probably would not have gone - 28 degrees! The Droid app that I used did exactly what it was supposed to do so that was nice. The hills around here kicked my ass, though!

I felt great afterwards but right now it's only 7:30 pm and I am exhausted.  I don't know if this is from my sinus infection or my weird blood pressure stuff or what, but I'm seriously going to bed within the hour.

Ask me how I feel tomorrow.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Becoming Alice

As I sit here watching The Food Network (ie: porn) and listening to my husband play Call of Duty in the next room I can't help but contemplate how I got here. Here is 220 pounds. Here is thinking about food all day long. Here is wishing  I was comfortable drying off with something other than a beach towel.

When I was 18 and young (dumb), I didn't really have a clear vision of who I wanted to become. Even now, at 38, I vary between wanting to be a wine sipping wife whose house is immaculately decorated to wanting to be some kick-ass pseudo lesbian wearing tights and tennis shoes.

Perhaps I have a bit of an identity crisis.

However, I can tell you who I do not want to become and that is my mother. My mother is 78 years old and has been miserable for as long as I have been alive. She has always struggled with her weight and growing up I watched her do multiple rounds of Weight Watchers as well as the cantaloupe diet,  and any number of other diets that I can count.

This could very well explain my aversion to cantaloupes to this day.

Even though I am much closer to becoming who I really want to be, I feel that my weight is holding me back. It is the last thing that I have left to hide myself and now it's got to go.

I found out this week that I have hypertension- something both my mother and brother are on medication for and have been for years. My mom and my brother are both obese and have obvious aversions to exercise.

Now, I have to drop some of this baggage and get down to who I really am. I do NOT want to end up a miserable old fat lady who lugs around a bag full of pills. I want to become who I am supposed to be. Become Alice.

Tomorrow I begin. I decided that even though I break out in hives thinking about running around the block, I am going to begin the Couch to 5K program in the morning. I have downloaded an app to my phone that will help me and I have my headphones carefully laid out. My NPR podcasts have been downloaded and I am ready.

As ready as I'll ever be.